Wednesday, October 7, 2015

10,000 Miles

The Carbon Aero 2 odometer turned to 10,000 miles on my October 6, 2015 ride. A beautiful fall day and a ride along Bay Road to Durham, and back on Packers Falls Road. Plus some extra miles by going west on 152 to Camp Lee Road and of course Jacobs Well Road. I have my replacement Flo 60 wheel back on the rear of the bike and can feel the difference. A big thanks to Flo for replacing a wheel that was out of warranty with 5k miles on it. The original wheel rim cracked around some of the spokes.

Poor picture of the odometer at the bottom

Where it happened on Bay Rd. Looking towards Newmarket

Where it happened on Bay Rd. Looking towards Durham

Oaklands Rd, Piscassic Rd Junction

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Adam's Point

I decided to try a road that I had never been on, Dame Road. I started on the Newmarket side and it quickly turned into a dirt road. The dirt was well packed and pretty smooth, so I continued on my way. Not the best road for 23mm tires but it was ok. It comes out on Bay Road in Durham near the Adam's Point entrance. The last time I road down to the end of Adam's Point, the road was in pretty bad shape. I figured that I had already spent a good part of the ride on dirt, so why not try the Adam's Point road. Turns out that it has been paved since the last time and was a pleasant ride. The sun came out while I was near Great Bay and I enjoyed the time that I was there.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Beach Ride

Took a different path to the beach today. Rode Rt 33 to Greenland and Breakfast Hill and ended up following West Rd to South Road to Woodland and Maple. Then up the coast and back to Mill road. A nice ride except for a pretty strong wind on the way back home. It ended up a little over 50 miles after extending it out to Mast Rd. My miles are down this year due to a snowy late winter and some lack of motivation from my forced summer "vacation".

West Road

Corner of Maple and 111

North Hampton

Approaching the Ocean

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Brown Snow

After a relentless 6 or 8 weeks of bitter cold and 90 inches of snow, we got a day where the temperature made it to the upper 40's. Maybe 50. I think this March 10th ride is only my second ride of the year. I only rode 13 miles, turning down Deer Hill Road in Brentwood.

The snow returned today (the 15th) and the forecast for next week is mostly in the 30's and 40's. Wednesday looks like it won't make it into the 30's.

As of March 22nd, the cold is persistent. Today barely made it into the twenties with a very strong NW wind.